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Neighborhood Closure Announcement in Turkey

Neighborhood Closure Announcement

Recently, there has been an important development regarding the refugees, which is frequently on the country’s agenda. The Directorate of Migration Management announced that a total of 781 neighbourhoods in some provinces were closed to new registration procedures, considering the refugee density in different regions of Turkey.

The announcement by The Directorate of Migration Management to the public on 16.05.2022 banned foreigners from residing in various neighbourhoods of our country’s various provinces. The related announcement is as follows;

Considering the density of foreigners in various regions in our country, 781 neighbourhoods in certain provinces have been closed by our Ministry to the temporary protection register, international protection register, residence permit, temporary protection or international protection and change of residence province of foreigners within the scope of residence permit except for newborn and nuclear family reunification.”

Which Neighborhoods Have Been Closed to Foreigners?

Neighbourhood listings are listed below (The old list dated 24.06.2022):

The closure application covers temporary protection and international protection records, residence permits, and changes in the province of residence of foreigners. Registration in these neighbourhoods will only be done in newborn and nuclear family reunification cases.

Within the scope of the application, 124 neighbourhoods in Sanliurfa, 117 in Gaziantep, 76 in Hatay, 75 in Kilis, 50 in Adana, 39 in Mersin, 35 in Istanbul and 35 in Mardin, which are provinces with a high refugee population, were closed to registration.

Other provinces, some of which are closed to foreigners’ registration process, are as follows:

  • Adiyaman (12),
  • Afyonkarahisar (13),
  • Agri (1),
  • Aksaray (9),
  • Ankara (13),
  • Antalya (3),
  • Bartin (1),
  • Batman (2),
  • Bayburt (1),
  • Bilecik (2),
  • Bingol (1),
  • Bolu (7),
  • Burdur (4),
  • Bursa (10),
  • Canakkale (6),
  • Cankiri (5),
  • Corum (5),
  • Denizli (1),
  • Diyarbakir (2),
  • Elazig (5),
  • Eskisehir (1),
  • Igdir (1),
  • Isparta (4),
  • Izmir (13),
  • Kahramanmaras (20),
  • Karabuk (6),
  • Kastamonu (4),
  • Kayser (7),
  • Kirklareli (1),
  • Kirsehir (2),
  • Konya (9),
  • Kutahya (2),
  • Malatya (7),
  • Manisa (1),
  • Mugla (1),
  • Mus (1),
  • Nevsehir (13),
  • Nigde (5),
  • Osmaniye (7),
  • Samsun (3),
  • Sinop (1),
  • Sivas (3),
  • Trabzon (1),
  • Usak (3),
  • Yalova (3),
  • Yozgat (1).

The Ministry of Internal Affairs Increased This Number as of July 1, 2022

As of July 1, 2022, The Directorate of Migration Management of The Ministry of Interior has increased the number of neighbourhoods where foreigners can change their city of residence. It was reported that the number of neighbourhoods closed to foreigners increased to 1169. Related Announcement:

Considering the density of foreigners in various regions of our country, our Ministry previously closed 781 neighbourhoods in certain provinces to temporary protection registration, international protection registration, residence permit, temporary protection or international protection and residence permit changes, except for newborns and nuclear family reunification. As of July 1, 2022, the number of closed neighbourhoods has increased to 1169 and closed neighbourhoods are listed in the annexe. It is announced to the public with respect.

The neighborhoods are listed below (new list dated 01.07.2022):

In the written statement made by the Ministry beforehand; considering the density of foreigners in various regions of our country, it was reported that 781 neighborhoods previously determined were closed to the temporary protection register, international protection register, residence permit, temporary protection or international protection and change of residence province of foreigners within the scope of residence permit, except for newborn and nuclear family.

In the statement made afterwards, it was stated that as of July 1, 2022, the number of neighbourhoods closed to residence province change transactions was increased to 1169. According to the information on the website of the Directorate of Migration Management, 53 in Istanbul, 23 in Ankara, 26 in Izmir, 75 in Adana, 161 in Gaziantep, 108 in Hatay, 169 in Sanliurfa, 31 in Kahramanmaras, 82 in Kilis, 58 in Mardin, and 62 neignourhoods in Mersin are among the provinces where foreigners will not be able to change their residence provinces.

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